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3 Tips To Keep You Active Every Single Day!

I believe that most of you are, in general, interested in living as healthy a life as possible. I also believe that many of us have...

Our Beautiful Third Act. Is it Time for A Life Review?

If you are younger than 50, this may not be for you. If you are younger than 50...well I'm pretty sure you aren't reading this. Most of...

Back in Canada; The Hazards of Hearsay

Well, here we are back home after our longest time away - 3 months! We had a long but smooth day of travel, came home to a broken water...

I Have A Problem - Maybe You Have a Solution?

For as long as I can remember if have been told to "slow down, stop running, take your time...." you get it, I'm sure. Unless you are on...

Little Things That Bring Joy

A few days ago, I realized that I was more than a little excited about a very small thing. It made me smile as I accepted that it was...

Mirror Mirror on the Wall......

Women and body image - whoa! what a weighted topic. I recently read a blog on body image, the word 'flattering' (did you know that...

The Hardest Lesson

Such wise words from Robin Sharma. When I first heard this a few years ago, it struck me as as really powerful. So many of us are...

What's that you say? Toxins?

There are so many aspects to maintaining overall health, that sometimes it becomes a little overwhelming. Let's go in a slightly...

What is YOUR Money Story?

Last month I wrote about some ideas for making a dollar stretch and managing during these times of inflated prices. It was so much fun...

What does it take to turn your world upside down?

Well that may be a bit dramatic, but aren't titles all about grabbing your attention? Here we go again, with another post about being...

2022 Will Be the Best Year Ever!

Wow - is it just me or did 2021 absolutely fly by? I wasn't even used to it being 2021 and it seemed we were counting down to the next...

Boost Your Joy This Christmas!

Here it is mid- December and I'd like to ask "how are you feeling?". Looking at my "50 Health Tips" list there are many to keep in mind...

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