What is wealth?
Sure it's money, but it's much, much more. Now don't get me wrong - it's ok to to want money! We need it for the basics & the luxuries in life. There is also SO much good we can do when we don't have to worry about paying our bills. I personally had so many wonderful people help me out during my bleakest times; it now gives me such joy to be able to pay it forward. I couldn't do that if I didn't have a little extra cash.
For years I 'settled' for an average life. I had everything I needed, but what I did everyday didn't excite or inspire me. I went to work, made a decent salary, but my heart told me I was on this earth to do more! I had a few 'false-starts' before I found the right version of what I was meant to do. It brings me such joy to know that I am making a difference on this earth, and inspiring others to live bigger, better and more passionate lives.
Discover...your greatest self!
Do you have a dream lurking within? Something you have never shared with anyone else. Or you talk about it - "someday" - but someday never comes. Take it from me - it really is possible for dreams to come true! I am proof positive that it is possible to bust out of ordinary and live an extra-ordinary life. And if you hear my 'blooper reel', you'll know that if I can do it, anyone can. Because I have made a LOT of mistakes in my life!! It's called experience people, experience! If you are ready to be your best self - contact me and let's chat.